Synthesis of Poly(aryl amide imide)s Derived from o-diphenyltrimellitic Anhydride

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttw961086
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The synthesis and characterization of a series of novel poly(aryl amide imide)s based on o diphenyltrimellitic anhydride are described.The poly(aryl amide imide)s having inherent viscosities of 0.39-1.43dL/g in N methyl 2 pyrrolidinone at 30℃,were prepared by polymerization with aromatic diamines in N,N-dimethylacetamide and subsequent chemical imidization.All the polymers were amorphous,readily soluble in aprotic polar solvents such as DMAC,NMP,DMF,DMSO,and m cresol,and could be cast to form flexible and tough films.The glass trsanition temperatures were in the range of 284-336℃,and the temperatures for 5% weight loss in nitrogen were above 468℃. The synthesis and characterization of a series of novel poly (aryl amide imide) s based on o diphenyltrimellitic anhydride are described. Poly (aryl amide imide) s having inherent viscosities of 0.39-1.43 dL / g in N methyl 2 pyrrolidinone at 30 ° C. , were prepared by polymerization with aromatic diamines in N, N-dimethylacetamide and subsequent chemical imidization. All the polymers were amorphous, readily soluble in a polar polar solvents such as DMAC, NMP, DMF, DMSO, and m cresol, and could be cast to form flexible and tough films. The glass trsanition temperatures were in the range of 284-336 ° C, and the temperatures for 5% weight loss in nitrogen were above 468 ° C.
临床上常用的胃动力药有胃复安(灭吐灵)、吗丁啉(多潘立酮)和普瑞博思(西沙必利),现将其作用特点分述如下: 1 相同点 它们都作用于食道和胃肠壁,增加胃肠蠕动,加速胃内容物
盐类水解是高考考查的重点之一,以下对此考点在历年高考中最常见的4个考查方向进行深入分析。  一、溶液中微粒浓度大小比较  【例1】(2015·安徽高考)25℃时,在10 mL浓度均为0.1 mol· L-1NaOH和NH3· H2O混合溶液中滴加0.1 mol·L-1的盐酸,下列有关溶液中粒子浓度关系正确的是 ( )  A.未加盐酸时:c(OH-)>c(Na+)=c(NH3·H2O)  B.加入1
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