A rare complication after radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of colorectal liver metastasis:A

来源 :介入医学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyanger88
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Radiofrequency ablation(RFA)is one of the safe and effective treatments of colorectal cancer with liver metastasis,which has the advantages of minimally invasive,fewer complications,short hospitalization time and repeatable operation.A special case with advanced transverse colon carcinoma was treated by RFA in our center.All the procedures were performed,which were recommended by the guideline.An intestinal perforation occurred on the second day after the RFA,then surgeon performed emergency surgery,unfortunately,anastomotic leakage occurred on the 21st day after the operation,yet after conservative medical treatment,the patient achieved remission of symptoms and discharged from the hospital.Rare complications occurred after RFA in the treatment of colorectal cancer with liver metastasis are unpredictable,which could affect the efficacy of RFA and performance status of patients.Further investigation of the mechanism of these complications is warranted urgently,which might offer more effective methods against these rare complications.
1968年9月的一天下午,一个扎着两条短辫儿的小姑娘,沿着铁路边的小路,蹦蹦跳跳地走着。她叫戴碧蓉,是湖南省株洲市第三铁路小学的学生。  不远处,忽然传来轰隆隆的声音。她停住脚步,循声看去,铁路上有一列溜车脱离了机车的控制,朝斜坡滑去。有三个小朋友正蹲在铁路中间的车厢下玩耍……  戴碧蓉心里很着急,向孩子们飞奔而去,拼命地喊叫:“车来了,快跑开!”可是三个孩子被吓呆了,站在那儿动也不动。此刻,戴碧