Internet是一个取之不尽、用之不竭的信息宝库 ,其中的法学文献信息更是数不胜数 ,已成为获取该学科领域内各类信息的主渠道。如何从浩如烟海的Internet上有效地检索到所需信息 ,是包括法学学科在内各学科都面临的课题。本文结合笔者从事《法学文献资源与文献检索》课的教学实践 ,重点就Internet上法学文献信息的检索策略和检索站点作一论述
Internet is an inexhaustible treasure trove of information, of which the number of legal literature is numerous and has become the main channel for obtaining various kinds of information in this subject area. How to effectively retrieve the required information from the vast Internet is a topic that every discipline, including the law discipline, is facing. In this paper, the author engaged in “law literature resources and document retrieval” teaching practice, focusing on the law of the Internet on the retrieval of legal literature information and search site for a discussion