2015年8月至2016年10月,中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所海南琼海研究中心在国内首次开展了海水观赏鱼狐篮子鱼(Siganus vulpinus)与眼带篮子鱼(Siganus puellus)人工繁育技术的相关研究。项目组人员通过研究攻关,初步摸清了这两种鱼类亲本人工驯养的技术方法。野生亲本在一系列营养强化作用后,分别于2016年7月31日和8月29日晚自然排卵受精,获得狐篮子鱼受精卵约5万粒,眼带篮子鱼受精卵约10万粒。经孵化培育约25 h后.分别获得约1.72万尾和6.4
From August 2015 to October 2016, Hainan Qionghai Research Center of East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences conducted the first artificial breeding of Siganus vulpinus and Siganus puellus in China Related research. Project team through research research, preliminary find out the two kinds of fish parent technical methods of domesticated. After a series of nutritional fortification, the wild parents fertilized themselves naturally on the evening of July 31 and August 29, 2016, obtaining about 50,000 fertilized eggs of the fox baskets and about 100,000 eggs of the baskets. After incubation for about 25 h, about 172,200 and 6.4 were obtained, respectively