中国的企业家们,似乎从来没有像现在这样扬眉吐气,各自摩拳擦掌雄心勃勃,想把企业做大做强, 冲出国门,走向世界。然而,事情并没有这么简单。据统计,中国的集团公司平均寿命只有7~8年, 中小企业的平均寿命更短,只有2.9年。中国的企业中,每一天有1.2万家倒闭,每一分钟有近10家企业关门。中国的企业,缘何这样“短命”? 其实,非但中国如此。据调查,排名《财富》杂志世界500强的企业从产生到衰亡,平均寿命只有 40~50年,其中家族企业的平均寿命只有24年,正应验了“富不过三代”这句中国的老话。美国大约有 62%的企业寿命不超过5岁,只有2%的企业寿命能达
Chinese entrepreneurs, it seems, have never been as proud as they are now. They are all ambitious and ambitious. They want to make their enterprises bigger and stronger, going out of the country and going to the world. However, things are not that simple. According to statistics, the average life expectancy of Chinese group companies is only 7 to 8 years, and the average life expectancy of SMEs is even shorter, only 2.9 years. In China, there are 12,000 bankruptcies every day, with nearly 10 enterprises closing down every minute. Chinese enterprises, why such a “short-lived”? In fact, not only China. According to the survey, the top Fortune 500 companies in the world have seen an average life expectancy of 40 to 50 years from birth to decline. The average life expectancy of family-owned businesses is only 24 years, and they are fulfilling the Chinese saying “rich for three generations.” About 62% of US companies live less than 5 years of age, and only 2% of enterprises have life expectancy