The very early textbook of pediatrics: Tadbir-Al-Sebyān

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Pediatric field encompasses a medical branch that deals with the medical care of infants,children,and new adolescents.Patients in this field are generally from birth up to 18 years of age.Although the field is known as a new medical branch,the history dates back to over thousand year ago[1].A main part of the medical and pharmaceutical manuscripts of Persian medicine is related to the field of pediatrics and allied diseases.
1 IntroductionrnA hiccup is a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm with a sharp gulp-like sound,often recurring at short intervals[1].Traditional Chi
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) arrived in the United States (U.S.) in 1854[1].Initially,most TCM providers were herbalists[1,2],with very few being acupunct
一天,一位少妇来性咨询门诊,向我讲述了她的困惑——  我和老公是大学同学,在交往中相互有了好感,并恋爱起来。其实,无论身材相貌和家庭条件,我都比他强,在别人眼中简直是“鲜花插在牛粪上”,很不般配。但是。我却被他的一种潜质所吸引,以致不顾家庭的反对和好友的劝谏,毕业后便与他共筑爱巢。  记得新婚之夜,他搂着我发誓,一定要发愤工作,努力挣钱,让我过上好日子。从他那发亮的眼睛里,我看到了希望,坚信自己的