Male patient, 46 years old, worker. Heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting for two weeks, on March 21, 1972 admitted. Clinical diagnosis: cardiomyopathy. ECG analysis: P wave disappeared in each lead, showing atrial fibrillation wave (f wave), V_1 leads more clearly, R-R interval is absolutely not, that the heart rate of atrial fibrillation. Limb lead QRS voltage arithmetic and <0.5mV, showing low voltage, ventricular rate average 80 beats / min; visible long and constant R-R interval, such as: aVF R_2-R_3 interval of 1.56 seconds, V_1 Of the R_2-R_3 interval is also 1.56 seconds, so aVF R_3 and V_1 R_3 are knot Yat, suggesting the existence of the second degree atrioventricular block. Frontal ECG axis is -60 °, Ⅰ, aVL lead is qRS wave, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF is rS type wave,