过去顺新村的农电管理有四乱:一是线路乱;二是设备乱;三是收费乱;四是电工人员的思想乱。“四乱”使该村电价达1.2元/千瓦时。 1994年初,新成立的支部根据群众的愿望,从减轻农民用电负担出发,元月份打出了第一招,全面整顿电工队伍。在整顿电工队伍中,把群众拥护,有一定专业技能的人选拔上来。春节刚过,顺新村打出了第二招,彻底整改低压线路。在进行低压线路整改中,村支部书记一马当先,带领一班人四方筹措,八方集资,全村农民集资1.5万元,村里拿出1.5万元,电管站投资0.5万元,全面整改了低压线路16公里,更换水泥电杆39基,安装电表集控箱308个,使全村实现了供电线路标准化。 紧接着,顺新村打出了农电管理的第三招。全面整顿电价,切实减轻用电农民负担。首先是村支部根据现行的电价政策制定出最高限价,明码标价,一是在全村群众大会上宣布,二是向广大用户进行列榜公布,制定
In the past, the rural power management in Shunxin Village had four chaos: First, the line was chaotic; second, the equipment was chaotic; third, the fees and charges were disorderly; and fourth, the electricians were confused. “Four chaos” made the village’s electricity price reach 1.2 yuan / kWh. In early 1994, according to the wishes of the masses, the newly-established branch set out from the burden of reducing electricity consumption for farmers, and made the first move in January to fully rectify the electrician team. In the process of rectifying the electrician team, the people who support the people and have certain professional skills are selected. Just after the Spring Festival, Shunxin Village hit a second move to completely rectify the low-voltage line. In the process of low-voltage line rectification, the village branch secretary took the lead, led a group of people to raise the Quartet, the eight parties to raise funds, the village farmers to raise funds 15,000 yuan, the village took out 15,000 yuan, the power station invested 0.5 million, a comprehensive rectification of the low-voltage lines 16 kilometers, replace the cement poles 39 bases, install 308 meter control boxes, so that the village to achieve the standardization of the power supply line. Immediately afterwards, Shunxin Village played the third move of agricultural power management. Completely rectify the electricity price and effectively reduce the burden on peasants. First of all, the village branch established a ceiling price according to the current electricity price policy and clearly stated the price. First, it was announced at the mass meeting of the whole village;