在叶瘟发生较重稻田,开展用生物农药2%·8亿个/g井冈·蜡芽菌SC 150g和生物农药与化学农药复配的41%春雷·稻瘟灵WP预防穗颈瘟田间药效试验,结果表明,用2%·8亿个/g井冈·蜡芽菌SC 150g/667m2的相对防效为77.26%,实际单产513.5kg/667m2,比清水(CK、下同)增产21.3%,增收223.27元/667m2,在穗颈瘟中等及以下发生区域和轻感稻瘟病品种种植田块,可以大力推广,以替代化学农药;41%春雷·稻瘟灵WP 70g/667m2和60g/667m2的相对防效为81.80%和79.81%,与化学农药75%三环唑WP 30g接近,实际单产530.6kg/667m2和526.8kg/667m2,增产25.3%和24.4%,可以大面积推广;化学农药75%三环唑WP 30g,相对防效为83.40%,实际单产532.6kg/667m2,增产25.8%,最好用于稻瘟病常发、重发和早发区域与高感品种种植田块的穗颈瘟预防;40%稻瘟灵EC 100ml预防穗颈瘟效果较差,最好不单一用于预防穗颈瘟。各种药剂和3种41%春雷·稻瘟灵WP处理实际单产,均极显著高于清水(CK)。
In paddy fields where heavy plague occurred, we carried out 2% · 800 million / g Jinggangsiao sp. SC 150g of biopesticide and 41% of spring pesticide and chemical pesticide in combination with WP to prevent spongiform encephalitis The results showed that the relative control efficiency of SC 150g / 667m2 was 77.26%, and the actual yield was 513.5kg / 667m2 with 2% 800 million / g Jinggang and Bacillus sp.and 21.3% more than that of fresh water (CK, the same below) , An increase of 223.27 yuan / 667m2, in the panicle and other areas occur below and susceptible to blast varieties of cultivated plots, can be vigorously promoted to replace chemical pesticides; 41% of the spring thunder rice blast fungus WP 70g / 667m2 and 60g / 667m2 The relative control efficiencies were 81.80% and 79.81%, respectively, which were close to those of the chemical pesticide 75% tricyclazole WP30g. The actual yields were 530.6kg / 667m2 and 526.8kg / 667m2, with a yield increase of 25.3% and 24.4% % Tricyclazole WP 30g, the relative control efficiency was 83.40%, the actual yield was 532.6kg / 667m2 and the yield was 25.8%, which was best for panicle neck of frequent, repeated and early onset areas and high susceptible varieties of rice blast Prevention of blast; 40% of rice blast EC EC 100ml Prevention of panicle disease is less effective, it is best not only for the prevention of panicle blast. All kinds of pesticides and three kinds of 41% Chunlei rice blast of WP actual processing yield, were significantly higher than the water (CK).