罗库溴铵是一种起效快、中等作用时效的新型甾类非去极化肌松药。本研究通过比较罗库溴铵单剂量法和预注给药的气管插管效果并分析其药效过程,为临床合理有效的使用罗库溴铵进行气管插管提供依据。资料与方法一般资料 选择无神经肌肉疾患及水电解质紊乱的成年全麻手术患者45例
Rocuronium bromide is a new steroid non-depolarizing muscle relaxant with fast onset and moderate effect. This study by comparing single-dose rocuronium and pre-infusion intubation tracheal intubation effect and analysis of its efficacy process for the clinical rational and effective use of rocuronium tracheal intubation provided the basis. Materials and Methods General Information Select 45 cases of adult anesthesia surgery without neuromuscular disorders and water and electrolyte disorders