Space Debris Reentry Analysis Methods and Tools

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llxww104
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The reentry of uncontrolled spacecraft may be broken into many pieces of debris at an altitude in the range of 75-85 km. The surviving fragments could pose great hazard and risk to ground and people. In recent years, methods and tools for predicting and analyzing debris reentry and ground risk assessment have been studied and developed in National Aeronautics and Space Ad-ministration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA) and other organizations, including the group of the present authors. This paper reviews the current progress on this topic of debris reentry briefly. We outline the Monte Carlo method for uncertainty analysis, breakup prediction, and parameters affecting survivability of debris. The existing analysis tools can be classified into two categories, i.e. the object-oriented and the spacecraft-oriented methods, the latter being more accurate than the first one. The past object-oriented tools include objects of only simple shapes. For more realistic simulation, here we present an object-oriented tool debris reentry and ablation prediction system (DRAPS) developed by the present authors, which introduces new object shapes to 15 types, as well as 51 predefined motions and relevant aerodynamic and aerothermal models. The aerodynamic and aerothermal models in DRAPS are validated using direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The reentry of uncontrolled spacecraft may be broken into many pieces of debris at an altitude in the range of 75-85 km. The surviving fragments could pose great hazard and risk to ground and people. In recent years, methods and tools for predicting and analyzing debris reentry and ground risk assessment have been studied and developed in National Aeronautics and Space Ad-ministration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA) and other organizations, including the group of the present authors. This paper reviews the current progress on this topic of debris reentry briefly. We outline the Monte Carlo method for uncertainty analysis, breakup prediction, and parameters affecting survivability of debris. The existing analysis tools can be classified into two categories, ie the object-oriented and the spacecraft-oriented methods, latter being more accurate than the first one. The past object-oriented tools include objects of only simple shapes. For more realistic simulation, here we present an object-oriented tool debris reentry and ablation prediction system (DRAPS) developed by the present authors, which introduces new object shapes to 15 types, as well as 51 predefined motions and relevant aerodynamic and aerothermal models. The aerodynamic and aerothermal models in DRAPS are validated using direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method.
张廷阁抱着伪市长杨绰奄送给他的那台收音机(和一双长筒皮靴)往回走的时候,天上正下着小雪。生活在东北的人都知道,小雪和大雪不同,小雪轻柔,有一种女性范儿,落在脸和鼻子上凉丝丝的,很舒服。落在地上时,是薄薄的一层,小绒纱似的,踩上去软绵绵的,留下的脚印儿瞅着也很艺术。1945年哈尔滨的人口不多,街上行人很少,所以能各欣赏各的。  张廷阁就是想走一走。他刚喝完酒,如果坐车,会晕得更厉害。走一走,可以让脑
“浮云游子意 ,落日故人情”,似水流年 ,岁末岁始 ,浩荡的民工潮和学生流涌入各地车站 ;与此同时 ,车票涨价应时而生。如果说一年一度的春运是我国一种特有的社会现象 ,那么