手竿底钓,是用不装绕线轮的钓竿,借铅坠的重量将钓饵沉到水底,钓取底栖性鱼类的钓鱼方法。此法的具体钓法有三种,其共同特点是:撒窝定点较为准确,一旦发窝,上鱼频率高,为钓鱼爱好者所乐于使用。笔者多年实践,积累了一些经验。现将这三种钓法介绍如下。 (一)长竿短线定点钓 一般用长8米左右的竹制或玻璃纤维质钓竿均可。线的长度要根据水面与堤岸的距离来定。一般以长1米左右为宜。定点打窝子,把钓饵投入钓点。钓鱼时钓竿搁在竿架上,人坐在钓
Hand fishing at the end of the fishing rod, is not equipped with winding reel fishing rod, by the weight of lead pendant will sink to the bottom of the water, fishing for fishing methods of benthic fish. This method has three specific fishing methods, and its common characteristics are: Sowing set more accurate, once the nest, the frequency of fish, fishing enthusiasts are happy to use. I practice for many years, has accumulated some experience. Now these three kinds of fishing methods are as follows. (A) long-term short-term fixed-point fishing Generally about 8 meters long bamboo or glass fiber fishing rod can be. The length of the line depends on the distance between the water surface and the embankment. Generally about 1 meter long is appropriate. Punch hit the nest, the bait into fishing spots. Fishing rods resting on the pole frame, people sitting in the fishing