一、简谐运动的回复力问题回复力的大小与振子的振动位移成正比,方向与振动位移方向相反.例1 如图1所示,在光滑的水平面上,用劲度系数分别是 k 和2k 的两根轻弹簧系住一个质量为 m 的小球,小球静止时,两弹簧均无形变,现用外力使小球在弹性限度内向左偏离 x,释放后,此时小球受到的回复力大小为____,方向_____.解析回复力是使振动物体回到平衡位置的力,小球向左偏离平衡位置 x,受到右弹簧的拉力 F_1和左弹簧向右的推力 F_2,小球受的回复力,即 F=F_1+
First, the simple harmonic motion of the issue of resilience The size of the force of restoring and vibrator vibration displacement is proportional to the direction and vibration displacement in the opposite direction.Example 1 shown in Figure 1, in the smooth horizontal plane, with the stiffness coefficient k and 2k Of the two light spring to tie a mass of m ball, small ball at rest, the two springs are no deformation, the use of external force to the ball within the elastic limit to the left deviation x, after the release of the ball received by the reply Force size ____, direction _____. Resolvability is to make the vibration object back to the equilibrium position of the force, the ball left balance position x, by the right spring tension F_1 and the left spring thrust F_2, the ball By the resilience, that F = F_1 +