每当进入盛夏,市场上就出现了各种各样的饮料。那么什么样的水才最适合人们饮用?专家提出以下看法。 凉开水是最佳饮料 对人体健康而言,最理想的饮料还数凉开水。经研究发现,开水自然冷却后,水中的氯气要比一般自然水降低50%,水的分子结构会发生某些变化,水的表面张力、水的密度、导电率等理化性能都有所改变,其生物活性比自然水要高出4~5倍,与生物活细胞里的水十分相似,因而易于渗透细胞膜而被人体吸收,促进新陈代谢,改善免疫功能。美国学者
Whenever into summer, there have been a variety of drinks on the market. So what kind of water is most suitable for people to drink? Experts put forward the following views. Cold water is the best drink For human health, the best drink is also cool water. The study found that natural boiling water, the chlorine in water than the average natural water to reduce 50%, the molecular structure of water will change some of the water surface tension, water density, conductivity and other physical and chemical properties have changed, Its biological activity is 4 to 5 times higher than that of natural water, which is very similar to water in biological living cells. Therefore, it is easily absorbed by the human body to penetrate the cell membrane, promotes metabolism and improves immune function. American scholar