The prediction of recurrence and survival of patients with Dukes’ B colorectal cancer after curative

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icanfly316
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Objective: To detect the expressions of Survivin and Livin in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer tissues and analyze the prognosis after curative resection. Methods: The expressions of Survivin and Livin were evaluated immunohistochemically in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer specimens from 81 patients after curative resection of the tumor. Their correlations to clinical characters and survival were also explored. Results: The positive rates of Survivin and Livin in colorectal cancer tissues were significantly higher than those in normal colorectal tissues (58.0% vs. 16.7% and 45.7% vs. 8.3% respectively, P < 0.05). The expressions of Survivin and Livin were not related to gender, tumor site, primary size, T stage, pathologic category, and degree of differentiation (P > 0.05), and no relationship was found between the expressions of Survivin and Livin (P > 0.05). The expression rate of Survivin in patients older than 50 years was higher than that in patients younger than 50 years (70.6% vs. 36.7%, P < 0.05). Both Survivin and Livin were related to recurrence and/or metastasis (P = 0.02 and P = 0.001, respectively), and shorter survival (P = 0.039 and P = 0.001, respectively). Cox multivariate analysis showed T4 and positive Livin expression were independent prognostic factors (P = 0.002 and P = 0.047, respectively). Conclusion: Survivin and Livin are over-expressed in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer tissues and are positively related to recurrence and/or metastasis and poor prognosis after curative resection of the tumor. Methods: The expressions of Survivin and Livin were evaluated as histochemically in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer specimens from 81 patients after curative resection of Results: The positive rates of Survivin and Livin in colorectal cancer tissues were significantly higher than those in normal colorectal tissues (58.0% vs. 16.7% and 45.7% vs. 8.3% respectively, P <0.05). The expressions of Survivin and Livin were not related to gender, tumor site, primary size, T stage, pathologic category, and degree of differentiation (P> 0.05), and no relationship was found between the expressions of Survivin and Livin (P> 0.05). The expression rate of Survivin in patients older than 50 years was higher than that in patients younger than 50 years (70.6% vs. 36.7 %, P <0.05). Both Survivin and Livin were related to recurrence and / or metastasis (P = 0.02 and P = 0.001, respectively), and shorter survival (P = 0.039 and P = 0.001, respectively). Cox multivariate analysis showed T4 and positive Livin expression were independent prognostic factors (P = 0.002 and P = 0.047, respectively). Conclusion: Survivin and Livin are over-expressed in Dukes’ B colorectal cancer tissues and are positively related to recurrence and / or metastasis and poor prognosis after curative resection of the tumor.
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