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冬季大棚蔬菜浇水,既要看天,又要看地看苗情,一般来说应注意以下几点:(1)水量不宜过大严寒的冬季,当棚内气温都比较低时,浇水量要小,间隔时间要适当长些,切忌大水漫灌,以防低温高湿导致蔬菜沤根。(2)时间应于中午浇水时间应安排在中午气温最高时进行,清晨和傍晚不要浇水,并尽量做到使用井水。(3)晴天、阴天浇水量应当有别晴天多浇,阴天少浇或不浇,风雪天气切忌浇水,当天气由晴转阴时,水量要逐渐减少,间隔时间适当拉长,天气由阴转晴时,浇水量由小到大,间隔期由长变短。(4)各部水量要适当大棚各部位的温度相差较大时,浇水量也要有所区别,大棚南部及靠近火炉烟道等热源的地方,土壤水分蒸发量大,浇水量宜适当大些;大棚东西两侧及北部温度较低,日照时间短,浇水量应适当少些。 Winter vegetable watering, it is necessary to see the sky, but also to see the Miaoqing, in general, should note the following: (1) the amount of water should not be too cold Winter, when the shed temperature is relatively low, watering The amount should be small, the time interval should be appropriate longer, avoid flood irrigation, to prevent low temperature and humidity caused by the root vegetables. (2) Time should be at noon watering time should be arranged at noon, when the maximum temperature, early morning and evening do not watering, and try to use well water. (3) sunny and cloudy watering amount should be more sunny and more pouring, cloudy and less pouring or not pouring, snow and snow should not be watering, when the weather from the clear and cloudy, the amount of water should be gradually reduced, the appropriate time to extend the interval, When the weather changes from cloudy to clear, watering volume from small to large, the interval from the shorter length. (4) The ministries of water should be appropriate When the temperature difference between the various parts of the greenhouse is large, the amount of water to be different, the southern part of the greenhouse and near the stove flue and other heat sources, soil moisture evaporation, watering should be appropriate Some; greenhouse things on both sides and the northern part of the lower temperature, sunshine time is short, the amount of water should be less appropriate.
1.适时收挖 魔芋一般在倒苗后1个月内,地下球茎停止生长,根状茎(鞭芋)与球茎完全分离。昼夜平均温度在12℃以下为魔芋的最佳收挖期。过早收挖会降低产量,不耐贮藏,易腐烂;过
食用菌线虫 线虫既不是昆虫,也不是菌类,而是一种寄生动物,是一种无色线状的蠕虫,虫体很小,仅0.5~1毫米,宽20~50微米,需要在显微镜下观察。线虫在菇体内生长繁殖迅速,幼虫经2~3
国家统计局城市社会经济调查总队提供的资料显示 ,2 0 0 0年中国西部地区投资总量普遍增加 ,西部大开发战略的实施对投资拉动作用十分显著。2 0 0 0年 ,随着国家加大基础设施