67 strains of Bacillus were isolated from 20 rhizome samples by plate dilution method. Twenty-two isolates were screened by asynchronous culture to strongly antagonize strawberry gray mold and rhizoctonia solani, of which 9 had strong and weak antagonistic activity against 2 pathogenic bacteria and had strong antagonism against 2 pathogens Of the five strains. Strains 10, 12, 34 and 63 also antagonized the pathogen Peiropuranthylospora and Zea mays. They showed broad-spectrum antimicrobial silkworms, of which strains 10 and 12 had strong antagonism against the four pathogenic fungi. Antibacterial substances of 9 strains of antagonistic bacteria could not permeate the dialysis bag and could be precipitated by ammonium sulfate, initially identified as protein, and the antimicrobial activity of protein crude extract was detected by flat-plate diffusion method. The antagonistic bacteria that are screened have the potential for biological control and should be considered as valuable resources.