An Analysis of Dialect from the Perspective of Stylistics

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  【Abstract】: Dialect is a very common phenomenon in our daily life. Usually, people from all kinds of districts use dialect to communicate everyday. A dialect is distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, and is categorized into many kinds, such as sociolect, ethnolect, regiolect, idiolect, genderlect and so on. In this thesis, the author will take genderlect as an example to simply analyze dialect from the perspective of stylistics. In the analysis, the author will use some typical instance of Japanese, because Japanese language can vary very much when use by different gender.
  【Key Words】: dialect; genderlect; Japanese
  Dialect is a variety of a language that is distinguished from other varieties of the same language by features of phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and by its use by a group of speakers who are set off from others geographically or socially.
  According to this definition, any variety of a given language constitutes “a dialect”, including any standard varieties. In this case, the distinction between the “standard language” or the “standard” dialect of a particular language, and the “nonstandard” dialects of the same language is often arbitrary and based on social, political, cultural, or historical considerations. In a similar way, the definition of the terms “language” and “dialect” may also overlap and are often subject to debate, with the differentiation between the two classifications often grounded in arbitrary and/or sociopolitical motives.
  The more important usage refers to a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular group of the language’s speakers. A dialect is distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The term is applied most often to regional speech patterns, but a dialect may also be defined by other factors, such as social class, ethnicity, career and gender. A dialect that is associated with a particular social class can be termed a sociolect, a dialect that is associated with a particular ethnic group can be termed as ethnolect, a regional dialect may be termed a regiolect, and the particular speech patterns used by an individual are termed an idiolect, for example, we can easily recognize the different writing style of different famous writers. Other types of speech varieties include jargons, which are characterized by differences in vocabulary, slang and so on.
  I’ll take genderlect as an example to further explain my understanding of dialect. Namely, the spoken language between female and male can be distinguished by some points. Take Japanese for an example. When Japanese people say “delicious”, most male would say “うまい” while most female would say “おいしい”, when they say “let’t go!”, most male would say “いくぞ” while most female would say “いくよ”, and when they say “fuck! I’m really bad at it!”, most male would say “おれ、ほんとへたくそ。” while most female would say “わたし、ほんとうににがてなんだ。”. We all know that in Japan, men called themselves “ぼく” or “おれ”, but women usually call themselves “わたし” or “あたし”, which is the most important signal for distinguishing men and women. Further more, “ぞ” and “わ” are also a representative genderlect respectively for male and female in Japan. If a girl says “うまい” or “ぞ”, she would be considered a little bit rude, meanwhile, if a boy says “おいしい” or “わ”, he would be considered somewhat girl-like. So, Japanese people pay attention to their genderlect very much. That is to say, generally speaking,we can easily recognize the gender between their language.
  Dialect is very interesting and deserves to be explored more deeply.
【摘要】:当今社会快速发展,人们在满足了对物质需求和精神需求的同时,更加注重居住空间的环境提升,希望住宅空间和自己的生活方式能更加和谐温馨。而现在人们对装修的理解上存在一定的误区,比如在装修的时候风格搭配不当或者过度追求豪华而造成空间的繁杂且没有主次关系,因此,在实现空间合理规划的同时也对装修风格的要求变得更高,欧式新古典主义风格在我国处于发展阶段,这种风格在住宅空间中的设计也显得至关重要。  【
【摘要】:“杨柳”是我国古代送别诗歌中的重要意象之一。柳与留谐音,作为挽留意象表达诗意的渊源可追溯到《诗经》,其意象的产生与民间“折柳赠别”民俗发展相关。杨柳意象在唐宋诗歌中引用最为频繁,本文将以游宦诗与游子思妇诗为例,分析其在送别诗中的内在意蕴。  【关键词】:杨柳;意象;送别诗  “天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。春风知别苦,不遣柳条青”[1]所有情感中,可以说黯然销魂者唯有离别,就算是现在这个交通十
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【摘要】:浚县泥咕咕的文化精神是泥咕咕艺术的本质,主要表现为追念先人、求吉纳祥的理念;崇尚自然,追求和谐的意识及传承经典、与时俱进的精神,体现在泥咕咕的纹饰、造型、色彩、工艺等各个方面。作为浚县地区民间艺术文化的活化石,深入分析泥咕咕的文化精神是研究这一民间艺术的关键。  【关键词】:浚县;泥咕咕;文化精神  泥咕咕是民间对浚县泥塑玩具的统称,因其尾部有两个小孔而能吹出不同的声音而被称为泥咕咕。浚
【摘要】:梁祝作为一个著名的民间传说是有着广大的民众基础的,这点从很多的文学和戏剧以及音乐作品可以看出来。本文选择梁祝的故事,不是作为文学作品或者传说来分析民俗的文化倾向。而是以汝南县西晋梁祝墓为史实基准,加上后人对梁祝演绎的化蝶传说为辅助,分析两晋之间文化和意识形态上的主观与客观性。旨在通过对梁祝故事的传说与地点结合考察,对比梳理得出当时两晋文化的主要特征。  【关键词】:梁祝;两晋;礼制;家庭
【摘要】:茶兴于唐,盛于宋。宋代是茶文化发展的重要阶段,也是当今学界研究的热点。笔者就目前能收集的一些关于宋代茶文化的论文[1]进行了分析,对当前宋代茶文化的研究做一个简单的梳理。  【关键词】:宋代;茶文化;综述;研究现状  关于宋代茶文化的研究大致可以分为以下四个方面:经济、器物、技巧、文化。经济方向研究广泛,有针对某个人如王安石的茶税观的研究,有对茶馆功能的研究,也有宏观经济的研究,内容丰富
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