2010年9月1-2日,中欧海关研讨会在上海召开,海关总署副署长孙毅彪与欧盟委员会税收、关税联盟、审计和反欺诈委员阿吉达斯·萨梅塔(Algirdas Semeta)出席了会议。本次研讨会以“中欧现代海关——促进守法贸易,保护公众利益”为主题,就新时期海关职能、作用和职能实现方式进行了深度探讨。翌日,中欧联合海关合作委员会第五次会议在上海举行,中欧海关高官出席会议。会议期间,《中国海关》杂志社社长曾庆龙对欧盟委员会税收、关税联盟、审计和反欺诈委员阿吉达斯·萨梅塔进行了独家专访。
On September 1-2, 2010, the China-EU Customs Symposium was held in Shanghai. Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs Sun Yibiao and Algirdas Semeta, member of the EU Commission on Taxation, Tariffs, Auditing and Anti-Fraud, Attended the meeting The seminar discussed the functions, functions and functions of the Customs in the new era with the theme of “Modern Customs in Central Europe - Promoting Law-abiding Trade and Protecting Public Interests”. The next day, the fifth meeting of the China-EU Joint Customs Cooperation Committee was held in Shanghai and senior officials from China-EU Customs attended the meeting. During the meeting, Zeng Qinglong, president of China Customs, conducted an exclusive interview with Agdez Thameta, member of the EU Commission on Taxation, Customs Union, Auditing and Anti-Fraud.