提出了一种同时重建轴对称扩散火焰温度和碳黑浓度分布的新方法。用一台带有滤色片的CCD摄像机拍摄600mm和618 nm波长下乙烯扩散火焰的单色辐射图像,通过黑体炉标定可以得到相应波长下的单色辐射强度图像。根据建立的辐射成像模型,用解耦重建方法从两幅单色辐射强度图像中同时重建出乙烯火焰温度和碳黑浓度分布。实验结果表明:随着乙烯燃料的增加,火焰中碳黑浓度也在增加,而碳黑浓度的峰值从火焰中心移向火焰边缘。
A new method to reconstruct the axisymmetric diffusion flame temperature and carbon black concentration distribution is proposed. Monochromatic radiation images of ethylene diffusion flames at 600 and 618 nm were captured by a CCD camera with color filter. The monochromatic radiation intensity images at the corresponding wavelengths were obtained by blackbody furnace calibration. According to the established radiation imaging model, the ethylene flame temperature and the concentration distribution of carbon black are simultaneously reconstructed from the two monochromatic radiation intensity images by the decoupling reconstruction method. The experimental results show that with the increase of ethylene fuel, the concentration of carbon black in the flame increases, while the peak of carbon black concentration moves from the center of the flame to the edge of the flame.