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最近一些年来,美国音乐事业有了很大发展。主要表现在演出团体增加,听众涌跃和分布日益广泛。美国交响乐国联盟把交响乐团分成七个等级。头三个等是专业乐团。在一九六○年,美国有四十二个专业乐团。一九八四年,专业乐团已增加到一百六十六个。美国音乐事业迅速发展的又一个表现是分布地区不断扩大。过去只有东海岸有较大的乐团。目前,其他地区的专业乐团大幅度增加。 In recent years, great progress has been made in the music industry in the United States. Mainly reflected in the increase in performance groups, the audience surging and distribution is increasingly widespread. The Symphony of the United States divided the symphony orchestra into seven levels. The first three are professional orchestras. In 1960, the United States has 42 professional orchestras. In 1984, the number of professional orchestras has increased to one hundred and sixteen. Another manifestation of the rapid development of the music industry in the United States is the continuous expansion of the distribution area. In the past there was only a larger orchestra on the east coast. At present, professional bands in other regions have increased substantially.
目的探讨盐酸阿扎司琼在预防化疗所致恶心呕吐中的作用。方法 84例恶性肿瘤患者随机分为试验组和对照组,每组各42例。试验组患者化疗前静脉注射国产盐酸阿扎司琼10mg∶100ml,
一座高68~60m 的加筋土挡墙于10月底开工修建。这是目前国内外最高的一座加筋土挡墙。它位于三峡库区移民迁建的巫山县新县城集仙中路上。集仙中路既是新城主街道又是二级公
The effect of background fluctuation on velocity diagnostics is discussed and studied.The kinetic theory of Mach probe (MP) and the theory of BGK mode are combi