
来源 :明清小说研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobaob1234
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沈周笔记小说《客座新闻》成书过程中经过大量润色修改及多次编排,除现存七卷本、十一卷本外,据考证至少还有亡佚的十四卷本。讲述者有意“凑合”怪谈异闻、传抄者不论是否完稿即迅速传抄并不断增益,在《客座新闻》成书过程中亦起了重要作用。可以说,《客座新闻》经过讲述者、记录者(作者)、传抄者三次加工,是由三者共同完成的。 Shen Zhou’s novel “Guest News” has undergone a large number of modifications and multiple revisions in the course of its publication. Except for the existing seven volumes and eleven volumes, at least there are still fourteen volumes of the lost and lost books. Narrator intentionally “make ” strange talk, the transfer of persons regardless of whether the completion of the rapid dissemination and continuous gain, in the “Guest News” book process also played an important role. It can be said that “guest news” after the narrator, the recorder (the author), the transfer of the three processing, is done by the three together.