李鸿章在镇压太平天国运动中深切体会了“洋枪洋炮”的威力 ,在同外国的交往过程中 ,深刻认识到“师夷长技”的重要性 ,他办洋务 ,办外交 ,整理内政 ,都是为了替大清“补天”。三十余年的洋务运动 ,就表面上看 ,已斐然可观 ,然其“补天”思想的局限性 ,使其不能达到救亡图存的目的
Li Hongzhang, deeply aware of the power of “foreign guns and cannon” in the campaign to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, deeply realized the importance of “learning from the barbarians and exponents of technology” during his exchanges with foreign countries. Both he handled foreign affairs and handled foreign affairs and all internal affairs It is for the sake of the Qing “fill the sky.” For more than thirty years, the Westernization Movement has already appeared on the surface. However, the limitations of its thought of “supplementing the sky” prevented it from achieving the goal of saving the nation from salvation