In this paper, the effect of Mg 2+ on the slow motility of H + -ATPase in liposomes was studied. The ST-EPR spectra of maleimide spin-labeled H ~ + -ATPase embedded in liposomes by thermal incubation method were measured at different Mg 2+ concentrations and different temperatures. According to the relationship between the diagnostic parameters L "/ L, C ’/ C and Mg 2+ concentration and temperature of the ST-EPR spectrum, and according to the hyperfine division of the 5NS-EPR spectrum measured under the same conditions The results showed that increasing the concentration of Mg 2+ in the liposome and decreasing the measuring temperature all resulted in the movement of H + -ATPase in the membrane lipids Related time increase.Further analysis also got H ~ + -ATP enzyme in the membrane lipid spin diffusion movement speed and the surrounding membrane lipid activation energy size in the changes in the concentration of Mg ~ (2 +) in the liposome will lead to membrane Lipid activation energy changes, thus affecting the H ~ + -ATP enzyme in the membrane slow motion.