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平面扬声器的诞生是八十年来对传统杨声器活塞式振动工作原理的首次重大革命。平面扬声器技术彻底摒弃了活塞运动,它的工作原理,是通过在刚性平板中激发弯曲波而发声,音板振动方式与琵琶、小提琴、板胡等乐器的振动方式大致相同。它是国际最新科研成果,含有二十多项发明专利,是自从发明CD以来音响界出现的最激动人心和最具革新意义的发展,是本世纪末最有实用价值的重大发明之一。平面扬声器是一种高科技产品,技术含量很高,要使下面扬声器音质好,要对驱动器的技术参数和音板的面密度、杨氏模量、抗弯模量、抗剪模量、内阻尼等多项 The birth of a flat speaker is the first major revolution in the working principle of the traditional poplar piston vibrations for eight decades. Plane speaker technology completely abandon the piston movement, and its working principle is through the rigid plate excited bending wave and sound, soundboard vibration and pipa, violin, Banhu and other instruments roughly the same vibration mode. It is the latest scientific research achievement in the world and contains more than 20 invention patents. It is one of the most exciting and innovative developments in the audio industry since the CD was invented. It is one of the most significant inventions of practical value at the end of this century. Plane speaker is a high-tech products, high technology, to make the following sound quality speakers, the driver’s technical parameters and soundboard surface density, Young’s modulus, flexural modulus, shear modulus, internal damping A number of other