近几年来,特别是去年以来,我们始终把全方位扩大对外开放作为经济发展的战略重点来抓,解放思想,突出重点,内外并举,整体推进,构筑全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局,促进了全市经济的快速健康发展。目前我市外商投资企业已发展到26家,项目总投资5148万美元和9620万元人民币,合同利用外资3095万美元和3790万元人民币;出口商品已达7大系列、3000多个品种。 (一)积极换思想。“思想不解放,开放无希望”。围绕启动大开放、快开放、加快发展外向型经济的内在动力,从解决思想认识、理清工作思路入手,连续开展了解放思想、更新观念大讨论,以“四个破除”和“四个强
In recent years, especially since last year, we have always taken all-round expansion of opening to the outside world as a strategic focus of our economic development. We have emancipated our minds, focused our efforts, made both internal and external progress and promoted the whole as a whole, building a comprehensive, multi-level and broad-area open to the outside world Pattern, promoting the city’s rapid and healthy economic development. At present, there are 26 foreign-invested enterprises in our city, with a total investment of 51.48 million U.S. dollars and 96.2 million yuan. The contracted foreign investment is 30.95 million U.S. dollars and 37.9 million yuan. The export commodities have reached 7 major series and more than 3,000 varieties. (A) actively change thinking. ”Thoughts do not liberate, open without hope “. Focusing on solving the problem of ideological understanding and clarifying the working train of thought, we started the emancipation of the mind and the discussion of the concept of renewal in a continuous manner in the spirit of ”opening up, opening up and speeding up the development of an outward-oriented economy" Four strong