金秋九月的北京,万商云集,在国际展览中心,新地进入国际馆,尽展其新的成果和大举措。 在这次展会上,新地推出了新版的《’97新地网络产品指南》,该书汇集了包括新地代理的3 Com、Anet、Axis、Bay Networks、IBM、Microsoft、Microtest、Novell等全球28家名牌网络公司的数千种网络产品。这本专业网络产品工具书,涵盖了超快速以太、ATM、FDDI、交换式技术等当今尖端的网络产品与技术,产品线从网卡、集线器、Switch到远程访问、布线、软件
In September of the Golden Autumn in Beijing, thousands of merchants gathered. At the International Exhibition Center, Xindi entered the International Pavilion and made full use of its new achievements and initiatives. At this exhibition, SHKP introduced a new version of the ’97 New Zealand Network Product Guide, which brings together 28 brand names worldwide, including 3Com, Anet, Axis, Bay Networks, IBM, Microsoft, Microtest, Novell and other new agent companies. Network company’s thousands of network products. This professional network product reference book covers today’s cutting-edge network products and technologies such as ultra-fast Ethernet, ATM, FDDI, switching technology, and product lines from network cards, hubs, switches, remote access, wiring, and software.