
来源 :课程教材教学研究(中教研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erapple
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2005年5月,经云南省中小学教材审定委员会办公室研究,决定将由云南省教育科学研究院与云南师范大学共同主办的《课程教材教学研究》等列入2005年秋季云南省中小学教学辅助材料用书目录,各地可根据教学需要自愿征订选用。在此之前,许多一线教师由于忙于繁重的教学工作,疏忽了该书对自己教学的指导性与针对性,疲于在形形色色的各种同步资料、中考复习资料的“海洋”中遨游,盲目崇尚“外援”,“迷信”那些不切我省教育教学实际的“偏、难、怪”题,不仅浪费时间、耗费精力,而且不利于学生对基础知识、基本技能以及基本的数学思想方法的掌握,更是大大挫伤学生学习数学的积极性,以致事倍功半、收效甚微。《课程教材教学研究》紧扣教材,及时反映中考动态与课改信息,典型例题、综合练习有层次、有梯度,测试卷、模拟卷、样卷充分以教材中的例题、习题为素材,通过变形、引申、发散等方式形成知识链,避免一些知识盲点,让学生在夯基础的同时,提炼通性通法,注重培养与体现学生的解题能力。下面仅就《云南省课改实验区2005年高中(中专)招生考试数学试卷》(以下简称中考)与同年《课程教材教学研究》出版的《初中生·课改实验区1》(包含样题、综合练习、典型例题分析)、《初生·课改实验区2》(以下简称测试卷(一))、《初中生·课改实验区3》(以下简称测试卷(二))、《初中生·课改实验区4》(以下简称测试卷(三)、《初中生·课改实验区10》(以下简称模拟试卷)进行对比研究,便于体现其权威性和指导性,以飨读者。《中考》全卷共23个题,其中第1-6题为填空题共6个题,每小题3分;第7-14题为选择题共8个题,每小题4分;第15-23题为解答题共9个题,合计70分;与模拟试卷、测试卷(一)、测试卷(二)、测试卷(三)、样卷的填空题、选择题、解答题的题量、结构设置完全一致;与《中考》所考查的知识点、题型、解题思路或所涉及到的数学思想方法相同或类似,具体对比如下: In May 2005, after studying at the Office of the Teaching and Researching Committee for Teaching Materials for Yunnan Province Primary and Secondary Schools, it was decided to include the “Study of Teaching Course Materials” co-sponsored by the Yunnan Academy of Education Science and Yunnan Normal University, etc. The catalogue of books can be selected voluntarily according to teaching needs. Prior to this, many front-line teachers were neglecting the guidance and pertinence of their teaching because of their busy teaching work. They were struggling to swim in the “sea” of various simultaneous data and review materials, blindly advocating. “Foreign aid” and “superstition” that do not cut the “biased, difficult, and weird” topic of education in our province are not only a waste of time and energy, but also detrimental to students’ mastery of basic knowledge, basic skills, and basic mathematical thinking methods. It has greatly dampened students’ enthusiasm for learning mathematics, resulting in less effective work and little success. The “Teaching of Teaching Materials for Courses” closely follows the teaching materials and timely reflects the dynamics of the examination and curriculum reforms. Typical examples, comprehensive exercises have layers, and there are gradients. Test volumes, simulation volumes, and sample volumes are fully based on the examples and exercises in the teaching materials. Deformation, extension, divergence and other forms of knowledge chain, to avoid some of the blind spots of knowledge, so that students in the foundation of the same time, the general method of extraction, focus on training and reflect the students’ ability to solve problems. The following is only the “Middle School Student Experimental Exams in Mathematical Tests for High School (Secondary School) Enrollment Exams in 2005 in the Curriculum Reform Experimental Area in Yunnan Province) and the “Junior Secondary School Student Experimental Exam Area 1” published in the same year’s “Course Teaching Material Teaching Research” (including sample questions). , comprehensive exercises, analysis of typical example questions), “new students experimental reform area 2” (hereinafter referred to as test volume (1)), “junior secondary school students, curriculum reform experimental area 3” (hereinafter referred to as test volume (2)), “junior high school The contrastive study of the Health and Curriculum Reform Experimental Area 4 (hereinafter referred to as ”Test Papers (3)“ and ”Junior High School Students Curriculum Reform Experimental Area 10“ (hereinafter referred to as ”simulation papers“) are convenient for embodying their authority and guidance to readers. There are a total of 23 questions in the ”Examination", in which the first 1-6 questions are 6 questions for fill-in questions and 3 points for each question. The 7-14 questions are 8 questions for multiple-choice questions and 4 points for each question; 15-23 questions for solving a total of 9 questions, a total of 70 points; and simulation test papers, test papers (a), test papers (b), test papers (c), sample blanks, multiple choice questions, answer questions The quantity and structure of the questions are exactly the same; they are the same as or similar to the points of knowledge, types of questions, problem-solving ideas or mathematics thoughts involved in the examination. Comparison follows:
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