一般认为心包肿瘤绝大多数为转移癌,原发的心包肿瘤较为罕见,且多数为间皮瘤和肉瘤。至1980年国外文献报告心包间皮瘤仅120余例,国内文献自1981年以来,陆续报告9例。我院最近收治了一例恶性心包间皮瘤,于死亡前已作出诊断,现报告如下: 患者,男性,51岁,1985年8月10日因双下肢及颜面浮肿7个多月,活动后气短、胸闷1个月,进食后梗噎感20余天,干咳半个月入院。无石棉接触史。查体:T36.7℃,P104次/分,R20次/分,BP110/80mmHg;营养中等,无黄疸、紫绀、皮疹、蜘蛛痣、出血点等,浅表淋巴结未触及;有奇脉及颈静脉怒张,肘静脉压高达31cmH_2O;左胸语颤减弱,叩浊,心浊音界向两侧扩大,心音遥远,心率104次/分,律齐,
It is generally believed that the majority of pericardial tumors are metastatic cancers, and the primary pericardial tumors are rare, and most are mesothelioma and sarcoma. Until 1980, foreign literature reported that there were only 120 cases of pericardial mesothelioma. Since 1981, nine cases have been reported successively in domestic literature. Our hospital recently received a case of malignant pericardial mesothelioma. The diagnosis was made before death. The report is as follows: Patient, male, 51 years old, August 10, 1985, with lower limbs and facial edema for more than 7 months, shortness of breath after the event , chest tightness for 1 month, after eating for more than 20 days, dry cough, half a month admission. Non-asbestos exposure history. Physical examination: T36.7°C, P104 beats/min, R20 beats/min, BP110/80mmHg; Moderate nutrition, no jaundice, purpura, rash, spider mite, bleeding point, etc., superficial lymph nodes not touched; with odd veins and neck Vaginal engorgement, elbow vein pressure as high as 31cmH 2 O; left chest whispered weak, phlegm, heart sounds to expand to both sides, heart sounds distant, heart rate 104 beats / min, law Qi,