你身为主管,是否深信管理者拥有的权力如运用不当,就会在管理过程中扼杀员工的士气? 你知道什么原因会使员工士气低落吗?以下所列举的十种行为与观念,便是最容易打击员工士气的: 1.不信任感。总认为下级无法将任务做得完善、妥当。其领导方法如同运用监听或监视装置,随时随地监
As a supervisor, are you convinced that the improper use of power by managers can kill employees’ morale in the management process? Do you know what causes the staff morale to be low? The ten actions and concepts listed below are Easiest to crack down on staff morale: 1. Distrust. Always think that the lower level can not make the task perfect and appropriate. Its leadership method is like using monitoring or monitoring devices, anytime anywhere