时钟定格在13分48秒。新疆达瓦孜传人阿地力6月22日在长江三峡夔门的潇洒跨越,一举刷新美籍加拿大人科克伦53分10秒的原纪录,使高空走钢丝的世界吉尼斯纪录上第一次刻上中国人的名字。 下战书 锦绣前程路漫漫
Clock fixed in 13 minutes and 48 seconds. Xinjiang’s Davaz deeds of Adi June 22 in the Yangtze River Three Gorges door splendid crossing, in one fell swoop Refresh American Canadian Cochrane 53 minutes and 10 seconds of the original record, so that the world of high-altitude wire Guinness Book records the first time On the Chinese name. The beautiful future of the long road ahead