
来源 :社会保障研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhyyxz
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基本养老保险缴费年限影响到养老保险基金的收支平衡和被保险人的养老保险待遇。我国基本养老保险最低缴费年限为15年,但该年限过长导致部分被保险人难以达到而被迫退保。为此,部分地方建立了补缴制度,《社会保险法》第16条也规定了补缴制度,然而补缴制度本身欠缺合理性,在实践中暴露出诸多问题。基于域外经验的比较,我国应缩短最低缴费年限,区分最低缴费年限和全额缴费年限,采取多缴多得、少缴少得的原则。 The basic pension insurance payment years affect the pension balance of payments and the insured’s pension insurance benefits. China’s basic pension insurance minimum payment period of 15 years, but the long period of time led to some insured hard to reach and forced to surrender. To this end, some places have set up a system of repayment, and Article 16 of the Social Insurance Law also stipulates the system of repayment. However, the system of repayment is not rational in itself and exposes many problems in practice. Based on the comparison of extraterritorial experiences, China should shorten the minimum payment period, distinguish the minimum payment period and the full payment period, and adopt the principle of paying more and paying less.