
来源 :吉林农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NickFlanders
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选用北方地区大豆田和果园常用化学除草剂,用点滴、药纸、涂抹法进行对盾负泥虫影响的测定研究。结果初步表明:氟乐灵、虎威处理的卵孵化率与对照比较差异显著,分别减少224 % 和158 % 。而农达和2 ,4 D 丁酯对卵的孵化率影响很小,与对照比较无显著差异,只减少35 % 和37 % ;农达、2 ,4 D 丁酯对成虫、幼虫的取食功能有促进作用,与对照比较差异显著,成虫的取食量分别可提高276 % 和172 % ,幼虫的取食量分别可提高115 % 和131 % 。氟乐灵对成虫、幼虫的取食功能有抑制作用,取食量分别减少299 % 和115 % ,且这种除草剂对成虫、幼虫还有一定的致死作用;虎威、氟乐灵、农达、2 ,4 D 丁酯对成虫的产卵有明显的抑制作用,与对照比较产卵量分别减少730 % 、717 % 、698 % 、587 % 。而乙草胺和除草通则对成虫产卵量影响很小。经氟乐灵处理的成虫,其产卵高峰出现的时间明显较其它几种除草剂滞后,比对照晚14 d 。 The chemical herbicide commonly used in the soybean fields and orchards in northern China was selected. The effects of the chemical herbicide on the insects were studied by using drip, paper and smear method. The results showed that: Trifluralin, tiger Wei egg hatching rate compared with the control significant difference, respectively, by 22  4% and 15  8%. However, the effects of Nongda and 2, 4D butyl on the hatching rate of eggs were very small, with no significant difference compared with the control, only reducing 35% and 37% The feeding function of adult and larvae was significantly different from that of control. The feeding amount of adults increased by 276% and 172%, respectively. The larvae ’s food intake increased by 115% and 131, respectively. 1%. Trifluralin had inhibitory effects on feeding function of adult and larvae, and their feed intake decreased by 299% and 115% respectively, and this herbicide had some lethal effects on adults and larvae. Ling, Nongda, 2, 4 D butyl acetate significantly inhibited the oviposition of adults, compared with the control of egg production were reduced by 73  0%, 71  7%, 69  8%, 58  7% . But acetochlor and weed control have little effect on the fecundity of adults. Adults exposed to trifluralin showed significantly longer lap times than other other herbicides, 14 days later than the control.
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