英国皇家特许测量师学会(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors,RICS)首席执行官肖恩·汤普金斯,RICS北亚区总裁威尔·迈尔斯等一行五人于近日对中国资产评估协会进行了访问。中评协秘书长张国春与肖恩先生进行了工作会谈,副秘书长邵荣华,注册部及专业标准部负责人等参加了此次会谈。双方围绕评估师职业道德建设、执业能力培养、国际职业道德标准联合制定,以及评估行业特殊专业领域如无形资产评估,文
Sean Tompkins, chief executive of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and Will Myers, president of RICS North Asia, and others, recently conducted an assessment of China Assets Appraisal Association access. Zhang Guochun, secretary general of China Appraisal Association, held a working meeting with Mr. Shawn. Deputy Secretary-General Shao Ronghua, the head of the registration department and professional standards department attended the meeting. Both sides focus on the assessment of professional ethics construction, practice ability training, the joint development of international standards of professional ethics, as well as the assessment of special fields of expertise such as intangible assets assessment,