“The Second—Phase Pioneering Work” of China’s City of Sugar

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  Sugarcane not only can be processed into brown sugar plum by Guangxi Golden Delicious Food Co., Ltd. and sold in all kinds of supermarkets, but also can be manufactured into sugarcane vinegar by Haoqingchun Vinegar Industry Co., Ltd. with backlog on filling orders. All these reveal the vision of “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” of China’s sugar industry as well as multiple industrial chains of sugarcane recycling economy. Today, such industrial chain has begun to merge in China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park. In 2017, to maintain the stable development of national sugar industry and to promote the “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” of Guangxi sugar industry with industrial upgrading, Guangxi proposed to build China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park in Chongzuo City in accordance with the mode of “One Park and Three Areas” like China-Thailand (Chongzuo) Industrial Park, China-ASEAN Nanning Airport Fusui Economic Zone and Sugar Recycling Economic Industry Park in Jiangzhou District.
  A piece of sugarcane reflecting the great sugar industry
  Outside the plant, Wu Jinlong, the person in charge of Guangxi Golden Delicious Food Co., Ltd. said: “With remarkable advantages of resources and region in Chongzuo as well as the supports provided by government, we choose to build our factory here. Now we plan to increase the number of the production lines to produce more diversified products.” China Sugar Expo China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park Promotion Conference was held during November 1-2, 2017. A delegation composed of more than 100 guests and media representatives took this opportunity to go deep into China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park. The delegation had visited the Golden Delicious Food Co., Ltd. in China-ASEAN Nanning Airport Fusui Economic Zone, COFCO Chongzuo Sugar Industry Co., Ltd. in China-Thailand (Chongzuo) Industrial Park, Haoqingchun Vinegar Co., Ltd. and Jinwutong International Fruit Processing Base as well as the Sugar Recycling Economic Industrial Park in Jiangzhou District. Through field visit, the delegation had a better understanding of sugar industrial advantages and industrial characteristics in Chongzuo.
  Located in Sugar Recycling Economic Industrial Park in Jiangzhou District, Datang feed project is the biggest sucrose microbial fertilizer and straw feed project in Guangxi, with the annual output of 300,000 tons. According to the project leader, we can know that the biological straw feed can greatly improve the absorption and utilization rate of feed by herbivores, while the animal excrement is the most direct and high-quality natural organic biological fertilizer raw material, it will realize the industrialization of recycling economy in Chongzuo breeding and production industry if the project puts into production. After investigation, the general manager Wang Yubo from Guangzhou Guanghai Logistics Co., Ltd. had strong interest in this project, he said: “Our company is looking for a project in silage processing, and the processing of sugarcane tail leaves in Chongzuo may be a choice.” Not only the industrial investors, but also the financial investors are attracted by the sugar industrial development prospect in Chongzuo.   One of the delegation members Wei Shaoyong, the vice president of Zhujiang Xijiang Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., expressed great interest in investing the new production line of Haoqingchun Vinegar Co., Ltd. It is known that producing sugarcane vinegar takes the cane juice as raw material, ferments and formulates with raw juice. With the increasing demand of market, the manufacturer is planning to increase more production lines. He said: “Now many companies are confronted financial problems, which will cause poor production. We will cooperate in the form of equity or bond with them on the basis of comprehensive evaluation to provide financing for the development.”
  Through the China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park Promotion Conference held on November 2, more and more companies had a deeper understanding of the development and investment attraction of Chongzuo sugar industry. Mr.Sun Daguang, mayor of Chongzuo City, introduced the China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park in the promotion conference, “It is the first special industrial park for sugar industry. With the framework has been fully developed and good foundations and conditions have been processed, the industrial park will become an important engine for transformation and upgrading of sugar industry in Chongzuo.” He also gave a referral about 19 projects related to cane and sugar, containing confectionery, snack food processing, light manufacturing, sightseeing tourism and so on in each project. All these reveal the determination of Chongzuo sugar industry on the “Second-Phase Pioneering Work”.
  The “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” of sugar industry in progress
  Guangxi is the biggest sugar producing province in China, whose sugar yield is more than 60% of the total yield. However, price dropping of sugar in the last few years affected the initiatives of sugarcane farmers and enterprises in Chongzuo. Under this background, Guangxi fired an opening shot in sugar industry by introducing Overall Plan for Promoting “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” of Guangxi Sugar Industry.
  “To promote the “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” of Chongzuo sugar industry, there are three key issues to transform the sugar industry. Firstly, to focus on “The First Plant”, promote the construction of 2.01 million mu “Double-High Base”, ensuring that the sugarcane plantation is above 4 million mu and the raw sugarcane as received up to 20 million tons; secondly, to improve the mergers and acquisitions of sugar industries to refine and strengthen the sugar enterprises; and thirdly, to extend sugar industry chain, increase added value and improve competitiveness,” said Mr. Liu Youming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Chongzuo, Guangxi, China.   China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park is an important platform for extending sugar industrial chain in Chongzuo even in Guangxi. With a total investment of RMB 2.748 billion yuan and 1473 mu area, the number one project in China (Guangxi) Sugar Industrial Park, Sugar Recycling Economy Comprehensive Utilization Project of Chongzuo Guangxi East Asia Sugar Co., Ltd. has officially launched in September 2017. This project not only boosts the “Second-Phase Pioneering Work” in Chongzuo, but also takes important part in Sino-Thai Economic and Trade Cooperation.
  While in other key aspects, Chongzuo has carried out steadily and given initial results. Up to June 2017, Chongzuo sugar industry has showed the characteristics of increased sugar yield, timely payment of sugarcane, rising price of sugar and improved profit. In 2016-2017 crushing season, raw sugarcane yield as received of the whole Chongzuo City has reached 14.8357 million tons, 1.8257 million tons of mixed sugar yield, ranking first in China for 14 crushing seasons.
  Chongzuo also makes a breakthrough in strategic reorganization. Based on market leading principle, Chongzuo actively encourages and guides the superior sugar enterprises such as COFCO Sugar Industry to participate in merger and acquisitions. Zuojiang Yongkai Sugar Company has auctioned successfully on June 21, 2016 and reformed into COFCO Chongzuo Jiangzhou Sugar Co., Ltd.
  Wei Shaoyong told the reporter that the scientific reorganization of enterprise is not only beneficial to the large-scale and specialized development of Chongzuo sugar industry, but also conducive to accurate implementation of government support policy and fund. By adopting these effective measures for the “Second-Phase Pioneering Work”, we believe that Chongzuo sugar industry will have a brilliant future.
“寰球一段金飘带,乐舞长安紫禁开。朝野交流穿朔漠,中西融合越烽台。”循着2000多年前的丝绸之路,往来于东西方的除了新奇的货品,还有流动的文化。这些不同文化的碰撞与融合,加深着沿线不同民族间的信任与理解。2000多年后的今天,“一带一路”的伟大倡议让沿线各国的文化交流再度活跃起来。  陕西西安,古称长安,是中国古代丝绸之路的起点,这里不仅留存着千年丝路的古老记忆,也铭刻着13朝古都的厚重历史。文化
Over 600 years ago, Zheng He, a navigator in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), led the ships fully loaded with silk, porcelain, agricultural technology and many other handcrafts to sail to Southeast Asia.
近两年,不少在东盟国家出行的人们都可以看到,在马来西亚等一些东盟国家的机场出入境口岸有一条东盟专用通道,来自东盟的游客可以享受作为“东盟公民”的特殊待遇,快速通关。  东盟专用通道正是近年来东盟在一体化进程中取得的建设成果之一。  20世纪90年代,世界各地掀起了区域经济一体化浪潮,在此背景下,敏锐的东盟于1992年举行的第四次首脑会议上,首次提出建立东盟自由贸易区,以提高区域合作水平和经济一体化
编者按:凡益之道,上下求索,偕行求进。行进是一个发展与建设的过程,探索是一种坚持不懈的努力,而进步则是不断取得进展。  回望东盟50年,东盟从最初的5国,逐步扩大到10个成员国,几乎把所有的东南亚国家都纳入到一个区域合作组织的框架之中。  从成立之初的一纸宣言,到如今实现了基于法律基础的区域组织构建——东盟共同体 。50年来,和平与发展,成为东盟孜孜以求的最大公约数。  借此东盟成立50周年之际,
近年来,通过东博会主题国机制的“聚光灯”,主题国印尼精心策划展览并举办主题国系列活动,在第7届东博会上对本国进行了深层次、更多领域的推介,各国客商借此得到了更为丰富和全面的有关印尼的信息。  印尼担任东博会主题国的2010年,正值中国—东盟自贸区成立、中国与印尼建立外交关系60年。在此特殊背景下,各方对这次东博会表现出极大重视,本届主题国印尼更不例外。  第7届东博会期间,印尼不仅对推介的内容进行
二战后,亚非拉地区成立了多个地区性国际组织,包括非洲国家联盟、南亚区域联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟等,但真正为本地区发展带来重大促进的可谓凤毛麟角,而东盟是一个特例。  1967年成立的东盟不仅促进了内部各国的发展,而且积极参与国际事务,扩大影响力。东盟的重要性不断得到中国、美国等世界大国,以及日本、韩国、印度、澳大利亚等国家认可。通过“10+1”、“10+3”、“10+6”、东亚峰会等机制,东盟与这些国
一道光影,带着你的眼睛去旅行,浏览热带自然的奇观景色,探索无数动植物的栖息地,感受丰富的文化和传统积淀,品尝精致的风味美食……东盟,这10个壮丽的国家是6.5亿多人的家园,也是一个充满冒险乐趣又无比美丽的旅游乐园。  旅游,正架起中国与东盟国家通民心、促交流的新桥梁。眼下,由东盟10国旅游局合作开发的“探访东盟成立50周年金色庆典”(Visit ASEAN@50 )营销项目,正成为庆祝东盟成立50
产业的集群往往能带来规模化发展的效益,因此在北部湾经济区“升级版”的蓝图中,打造千亿元产业集群成为一个重要的抓手。根据广西北部湾经济区和东盟开放合作办公室(以下简称“北部湾办”)产业发展处处长沈少红的介绍,一个涵盖电子信息、冶金、石化、能源、健康与生物医药、装备制造、粮油和食品加工、轻工制造业等8大产业在内的千亿元产业集群规划已经初步成形,并将成为北部湾经济区发展“向海经济”的产业支撑。  而这8