银汞合金含有银、锡、铜、锌等多种金属合金粉,加汞调制成汞齐,然后填入窝洞。汞齐质量好坏与银合金粉品质量有关,但也与临床操作有密切关系。如合金粉与汞的比例、研磨的方法、时间、转速等等,都会影响汞齐的抗压强度和硬度,膨胀和收缩系数也有显著改变。我们对可能影响合金质量的各种因素进行了实验室测试,现将结果报告如下。一、材料 (1)银汞合金粉——上海齿科材料厂的产品,批号8602,商品编号K443——02,25克瓶装。 (2)汞——江苏无锡县医用仪表厂产品。230克瓶装。材料调制:
Silver amalgam contains silver, tin, copper, zinc and other metal alloy powder, mercury into amalgam modulation, and then fill the cavity. The quality of amalgam is related to the quality of silver alloy powder, but it is also closely related to the clinical operation. Such as the ratio of alloy powder and mercury, grinding method, time, speed, etc., will affect the amalgamation of compressive strength and hardness, expansion and contraction coefficient has also changed significantly. We conducted laboratory tests on the various factors that may affect the quality of the alloy. The results are reported below. First, the material (1) silver amalgam powder - Shanghai Dental Materials Factory products, batch number 8602, product number K443--02, 25 grams bottled. (2) Mercury - Jiangsu Wuxi Medical Instrument Factory products. 230 grams bottled. Material modulation: