【摘 要】
With the changes in global economy,the regional advantages in competition and the evolution of the regional industrial structure,the East Asian traditional mode
With the changes in global economy,the regional advantages in competition and the evolution of the regional industrial structure,the East Asian traditional model of regional division of labor like the”Crane-Flying-Shaped Model”has changed or even destroyed.A new model,which is a web-like pattern of multi-centered,multi-status and a mixture of multi-model will take its place in the future Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone.On order to conform with these changes,a model of three-level regional division of labor should be built in the Zone.
With the changes in global economy, the regional advantages in competition and the evolution of the regional industrial structure, the East Asian traditional model of regional division of labor like the “Crane-Flying-Shaped Model” has changed or even destroyed. A new model , which is a web-like pattern of multi-centered, multi-status and a mixture of multi-model will take its place in the future Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone. Order to conform with these changes, a model of three- level regional division of labor should be built in the Zone.
As the saying goes: “Ritual people do not blame.” Today’s
摘 要:近年来,师生恋现象及其本质引发人们更多的关注。在高校的师生恋问题上,需要正视特别权力关系对人们思想观念的不当影响。我国目前相关法律和教育部的规范性文件对高校师生恋现象关注不够。建议立法能够作出恰当导向。 关键词:特别权力关系;高校师生恋;法律规范 高校师生恋在最近几年开始在网络引发关注。笔者以1990到2019年为搜索期间,对知网进行了搜索。结果发现,输入关键词“师生恋爱与特别权力关系
揭开澳洲海外投资审查制度 编者的话 众所周知,外国投资者在澳大利亚进行投资时,需要特别关注澳大利亚政府对于外商投资项目的FIRB审查制度。该FIRB制度源于澳大利亚投资法规《1975年外资收购及接管法》(FATA)和投资政策,负责执行FATA的政府机构即为外商投资审核委员会( Foreign Investment Review Board,简称“FIRB”),故该项审批制度被称为FIRB批准。
母亲去世已整整47年了。当时我俩年龄还小,一个(沁平)10岁、一个(夏平)9岁,对她了解不多,对她的身世也不甚清楚。最近,由于父亲写回忆录,我们系统地阅读了母亲生前的一些材料,包括她写的自传和日记,走访了曾经与母亲并肩战斗过的战友,才对母亲有了比较深的了解,母亲的形象在我们的脑海中逐渐丰满起来。 我们的母亲是一个有坚定信仰,对党无限忠诚,对劳苦大众翻身解放、对妇女解放事业不懈追求的,有一定文化知