孕妇,23岁。停经22+1周行3级彩超,胎头位于脐上方,BPD:57 mm,AC:180 mm,FL:27mm,HL:27mm,瞬间胎心率:144次/min,颈椎及部分胸椎的二维超声横、纵切面显示颈椎及1~4胸椎骨化中心形态失常(图1~2);三维透明成像显示颈椎及1~4胸椎椎体缺失(图3~4),胎儿双侧足底分别与同侧小腿长轴在同一切面上显示。超声提示:(1)宫内单活胎妊娠,胎儿存活,目前臀位;
Pregnant woman, 23 years old. Menopause 22 + 1 week line 3 color Doppler ultrasound, fetal head located above the umbilical, BPD: 57mm, AC: 180mm, FL: 27mm, HL: 27mm, fetal heart rate at the moment: 144 / min, cervical and some thoracic The transverse and longitudinal sections of the cervical vertebra and the thoracic ossification center of 1 ~ 4 showed morphological abnormalities (Fig. 1 ~ 2). The three-dimensional transparent imaging revealed the absence of the cervical vertebra and 1-4 thoracic vertebrae (Fig. 3-4) Respectively, with the ipsilateral lower leg long axis in the same section on the show. Ultrasound tips: (1) single intrauterine pregnancy, fetal survival, the current breech;