Nonpoint Source Water Polution in Siera Leone

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近来,非点源(NPS)水污染在发展中国家日益受到关注.在塞拉里昂,农业和矿业是造成水资源受非点源污染的主要因素.引起水质下降的原因包括土壤的加速侵蚀、农业径流中的氮磷等营养物质和农药等污染物、来自畜牧场的病原菌和酸性矿排水等.由于污染物的转化机理与水力学、地形学、化学反应、土壤类型和土地利用等多因素有关,这使得非点源污染管理变得很复杂.但是,最佳管理措施(BMPs)通过技术、规制和立法等手段能有效地减少非点源污染,BMPs应着重于源的管理而不是污染物的处理 Recently, non-point source (NPS) water pollution is attracting increasing attention in developing countries. In Sierra Leone, agriculture and mining are major contributors to non-point source pollution of water resources. Causes of water quality decline include accelerated soil erosion, agricultural runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus and other nutrients and pesticides and other pollutants, pathogens from livestock farms and acid mine drainage. Non-point source pollution management is complicated by the fact that pollutant conversion mechanisms are related to many factors such as hydraulics, topography, chemical reactions, soil types and land use. However, best management practices (BMPs) can effectively reduce non-point source pollution through technical, regulatory and legislative means. BMPs should focus on source management rather than on pollutant disposal
氯喹类药物是一类历史悠久的处方药,临床常用于抗疟疾及结缔组织病的治疗。2019年12月以来,在我国各地和世界多国发生了由2019新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus,2019-nCo