1999年我国建材行业摘掉了戴了两年的亏损帽子 ,1999年底全行业实现利润 2 0亿元。据了解 ,随着国家扩大内需政策的到位 ,建材行业生产经营形势也出现转机。 1999年 7月 ,全行业实现整体扭亏为盈。 1999年 10月末 ,建材行业盈亏相抵后实现利润达 15 .6 9亿元 ,比 1998年同期扭
In 1999, China’s building materials industry took off its wearing hats for two years. By the end of 1999, the industry’s total profit was RMB 20 billion. It is understood that with the country’s policy of expanding domestic demand in place, the production and operation situation of the building materials industry has also changed. In July 1999, the whole industry realized an overall turnaround. At the end of October 1999, the profits and losses of the building materials industry reached a profit of 1.596 billion yuan, which was higher than the same period in 1998.