
来源 :当代法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxcvzo1
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民事诉讼终结属于诉讼程序的非正常结束,必须符合法律规定的事由才能引起。我国民事诉讼法第137条在规定诉讼终结制度的同时,列举出可以导致该结果的四种法定事由。但由于该项立法本身尚存在值得商榷的地方,加之理论界对该问题的研究基本属于空白,以至于实践中这一制度? The end of civil proceedings belongs to the abnormal end of the proceedings, must meet the legal requirements of the cause can cause. Article 137 of the Code of Civil Procedure of our country lists the four statutory reasons that can lead to the result while stipulating the termination of litigation. However, due to the fact that the legislation itself is still debatable, and the theoretical research on this issue is basically empty, so that in practice this system?