北京大学在 1 91 7年蔡元培实行校政改革后 ,成为新文化运动发展的思想中心。这一时期的商务印书馆虽然也曾云集众多新文化精英 ,但商务当局避免企业卷入政治漩涡的经营思路导致“商务”未成为新文化运动的思想中心。商务印书馆对新文化运动不可替代的独特贡献 ,在于其巨大的文化辐射能力 ,使新文化第一次真正走向社会。在这个意义上讲 ,商务印书馆是当之无愧的新文化运动传播中心。
After the reform of school administration in 1897, Peking University became the ideological center for the development of the new cultural movement. Although the commercial press in this period also gathered many new cultural elites, the business administration’s idea of avoiding the involvement of enterprises in the political vortex led to the fact that “commerce” did not become the ideological center of the new cultural movement. The unique contribution made by the commercial press to the New Culture Movement lies in its enormous cultural radiating ability and the first time that the new culture is moving toward society. In this sense, the Commercial Press is a well-deserved center for the dissemination of new cultural movements.