例1 女性,60岁.因神志不清3h入院,伴呕吐胃内容物1次.半年前发现“高血压”,间断服降压药.体检:T36.3℃,P66次/min.R18次/min,BP5/2kPa.神志模糊,躁动.四肢厥冷,面色苍白.双瞳等大(0.3cm),光反射灵敏.颈软.左侧肺底少许湿罗音.心音低钝,无杂音.腹软.脑膜刺激征阴性,病理反射征阴性,肌力、肌张力正常.化验:Hb86g/L,WBC11.3×10~9/L,N0.87,血电解质、肝、肾功能、血糖、淀粉酶均正常.按休克予以抗休克治疗,
Example 1 Female, age 60, admitted to hospital due to unconsciousness 3h, with vomit stomach contents 1. Six months ago found “high blood pressure”, intermittent antihypertensive drugs. Physical examination: T36.3 ℃, P66 times / min.R18 times / min, BP5 / 2kPa. Ambiguity, restlessness. Extremities Jueleng, pale. Double pupil and other large (0.3cm), light reflection sensitive. Neck soft left lungs at the end a little wet rales. . Abdominal softness. Negative meningeal irritation, negative pathological reflex signs, muscle strength, muscle tone normal. Hb86g / L, WBC11.3 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N0.87, blood electrolytes, liver and kidney function, blood glucose , Amylase are normal.According to shock to anti-shock treatment,