01《Bicycle Diaries》>从上世纪80年代开始,音乐家和视觉艺术家David Byrne便开始以自行车作为交通工具穿行于纽约的大街小巷,并为之深深着迷。David这么做倒不是为了打出环保交通等政治旗号,而是由于他骑车去的地方越多,越感到这种交通工具所给予的自由空间让人如何惬意。David相信在都市骑自行车可以让人的目光触及到一个城市真正的特质和鲜活的人群,他开始了以这种方式观察社会的旅途。从柏林到布宜诺斯艾利斯,从伊斯坦布尔到旧金山,从马尼拉到纽约,David骑着自行车环游各地,并且将多种多样的见闻、经历书写下来。这本书同样也谈及David在旅行中对世界音乐、都市规划、时尚、建筑、文化变迁等话题的思考。查询:艺鹄www.ac.hk
01 “Bicycle Diaries”> Since the 1980s, musician and visual artist David Byrne has been fascinated by the passage of bicycles through New York’s streets. David did not do this for the political banner of environmental protection but because of the more places he rides to go, the more he feels comfortable with the freedom offered by this means of transport. David believes cycling in the city can make people’s eyes touch on the true qualities and liveliness of a city, and he begins the journey of viewing society in this way. From Berlin to Buenos Aires, from Istanbul to San Francisco, and from Manila to New York, David rides around the country on a bike and writes down a wide range of information and experiences. This book also talks about David’s thoughts on topics such as world music, urban planning, fashion, architecture, and cultural change while traveling. Inquiries: Arts 鹄 www.ac.hk