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学术大师王国维胸具灵知,对于中国的传统文化的结构、精神、价值有其独特的领悟,莹彻的识解。第二次东渡日本后,王国维随从罗振玉研究古文字、古器物,对中国文化中的金石文化这一拱璧瑰宝进行了深入的钻研。在数以千计的古器物、金石拓本的日夕摩挲、鉴赏中,王国维对宋代金石文化作出了湛深的科学阐释。 一、宋代金石文化的构架 宋代的金石文化不同于两汉的经学文化、魏晋的玄学文化,具有新型的构架。王国维评云:“其于搜集、著录、考订、应用各方面无不用力,不百年间遂成一种之学问。”(《宋代之金石学》)由此剖视,宋代金石文化有四方面结构而成。其一,从搜集论之,公私藏器蔚成一种社会风气。藏器之富,则“累数至万余”;收藏之勤,则“当南渡之初,国势未定,而高宗孜孜搜集古器”于榷场,其余则可想知;收藏种类之多,则金、石以外兼收瓦当、木简等,“无不在当时好古家网罗之内”。(同上)其二,从传拓及著录论之,宋人于金石学不徒以搜集为能事,其最有功于此者则是通过传拓和著录加以“流通”。王氏云:“今宋代藏器已百不存一,石刻亦仅存十分之一,而宋人图谱目录尚多 Academic master Wang Guowei chest knowledge, for the traditional Chinese culture, structure, spirit, value has its unique insight, Ying thorough understanding. After his second visit to Japan, Wang Guowei followed Luo Zhenyu’s study on ancient writings and ancient artifacts and conducted an in-depth study of the gem of gems in Chinese culture. In the thousands of ancient artifacts, stone rubbings day and night massage, appreciation, Wang Guowei Song Dynasty stone culture made a profound scientific explanation. First, the Song Dynasty stone culture framework Song Dynasty stone culture is different from the Han Dynasty’s Confucian culture, Wei and Jin’s metaphysics culture, with a new framework. Wang Guowei appraised the cloud: “It is not a hundred years to collect, record, test and apply all aspects of force, not a hundred years into a kind of knowledge.” (“Song of the pedestal”) From this perspective, the Song Dynasty stone culture has four aspects And into. First, from collecting theory, public and private collectors become a social ethos. Collection of the work, then “when the beginning of Nandu, the country is undetermined, while the high diligently collected ancient” in the field, the rest can be wondering; More, then gold, stone and other Wadang and woodcut, etc., “all at home were ancient nets inside.” (Ibid.) Second, from the extension and recording theory, the Song Dynasty in Jinshi learn not to collect things, most of its contribution is through the extension and description to be “circulation.” Wang said: "This Song Dynasty possession has never been a deposit, stone is only one-tenth, and the Atlas of the Song is still more
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