第1章反机器人攻击者 UNPAC~特殊组织,联合国和平维持部队——联合国为维持和平而设立的特殊组织。为了保持公正性,特殊组织不属于任何一个国家或组织。联合国指示的任务可以依据独自判断行动,成功完成任务后加盟国须付给给相应的报酬。世界中顶级的佣兵部队。没有任何人可以强制,成员组全部为志同道合的人。……这就是我现在的全部。那样讨厌争斗的哥哥,来到这里想寻求什么呢?
Chapter 1 Anti-robot Attackers UNPAC ~ Specialized Organizations, United Nations Peacekeeping Forces - Specialized United Nations Organization for Peacekeeping. In order to maintain impartiality, special organizations do not belong to any one country or organization. The tasks assigned by the United Nations can be judged on their own initiative. After the successful completion of the mission, the allied countries must pay the corresponding remuneration. The world’s top mercenary forces. No one can force, all members of the group for like-minded people. ... This is all I am now. So hate fighting brother, came here to find what?