比利时杜鹃又名四季杜鹃 ,株形矮小 ,生长缓慢 ,花色以娇艳的大红、桃红、粉红、白色为主 ,多为重瓣 ,花大而繁多 ,一年多次开花 ,尤其在春节前后 ( 1 2月至次年 3月 )为盛花期 ,具有很高的观赏价值。1 繁殖方法 比利时杜鹃的繁殖 ,主要采用扦插的方法。春夏季选节短而粗壮的
Rhododendron, also known as the four seasons rhododendron, short stature, slow growth, flower color to tender red, pink, pink, white, mostly double petals, large and numerous flowers, many times a year, especially before and after the Spring Festival February to March next year) for the flowering period, with a high ornamental value. A breeding method Rhododendron in Belgium breeding, the main method of cutting. Spring and summer festival short and stout