在Marijn E.Dekkers总裁兼首席执行官的领导下,Thermo整合了Finnigan、Nicolet、Forma、Savant、LabSystems等诸多品牌,统一在“Thermo”品牌的旗帜之下,并以两位数的销售收入年均增长的速度一路狂奔,创造了众多的传奇,令股东和员工惊喜不已。2004年底,Thermo在上海的新工厂又
Under the leadership of President and CEO Marijn E.Dekkers, Thermo integrates with brands such as Finnigan, Nicolet, Forma, Savant, LabSystems and more under the banner of the “Thermo” brand and with a double-digit sales revenue year All growing bolted all the way, creating a large number of legendary surprise shareholders and employees. The end of 2004, Thermo new factory in Shanghai again