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通过构建工业企业技术创新投入与环境影响的互动机制,以江苏省历年工业企业为例,分析包括废水、粉尘、SO2、碳排放在内的企业环境影响与其技术创新投入之间的关系。碳排放量研究证实,工业企业造成的环境影响与其技术创新投入之间确实存在内在关联。其中工业企业的废水、SO2和粉尘排放与企业技术创新投入具有负相关性,而企业碳排放的环境影响与其技术创新投入具有正相关性,并据此提出相关的政策建议。 By constructing an interactive mechanism of investment in technological innovation and environmental impact in industrial enterprises, and taking the industrial enterprises in Jiangsu Province as an example, this paper analyzes the relationship between the environmental impact of enterprises, including wastewater, dust, SO2 and carbon emissions, and their investment in technological innovation. Carbon emissions studies confirm that there is a real link between the environmental impact of industrial enterprises and their investment in technological innovation. Among them, the waste water, SO2 and dust emission of industrial enterprises have a negative correlation with the investment in technological innovation of enterprises, and the environmental impact of carbon emissions of enterprises has a positive correlation with their investment in technological innovation. Relevant policy recommendations are put forward accordingly.
摘要:人民币离岸市场则是在人民币国际化的大背景下,以及当前人民币仍不是完全可自由兑换货币的前提下,提高人民币国际地位、促进我国金融国际化发展的最优选择。简要分析了我国离岸业务发展情况,我国发展离岸金融业务中暴露的问题以及发展人民币离岸的重要性。  关键词:离岸金融;人民币离岸市场  中图分类号:F74文献标识码:Adoi:10.19311/j.cnki.16723198.2016.24.019  
<正>抽动障碍(tic disorders,TD)是以某种形式的不随意、快速、重复的非节律运动或/和无明显目的、突发性发生抽动为特点的一种复杂的慢性神经精神障碍,近年有逐渐增加趋势,
<正> 熊魁梧老师业医40余年,临床颇多效验,余随师临诊,深感师尊治头痛其效尤多。兹对吾师治疗头痛经验简介之,若属它病所伴随之头痛证,从略。头乃清阳之府,诸阳之会,凡五脏精