據本刊最近在幾個地區一部分學校的調查和各地報刊發表的材料,以及許多教師和學生來稿、來信反映的情況來看,目前全國各地有些學校在學習紀律上存在的問題是相當多的;甚至相當嚴重地影響了教學工作的正常進行。茲就現有材料,將各地學校學習紀律紊亂的情況綜述如下: 一、曠課、遲到、不安心聽講、不尊敬教師、課堂秩序紊亂 有些學校,學生無故曠課的現象十分嚴重。例如:鎮江市第二中學在上學期開學後的十二周中,學生無故曠課共達八百三十二小時,每星期平均曠課差不多有七十小時(遲到早退的還未算在內)。(南京新華日報)從個別學生來看,如蘇北師專學生季克平上學期無故曠課達二十八小時,有時還裝病不上課,因此,事假病假達八十小時;階段考試時,七門功課就有五門不及格。(蘇北師專校刊)各地學校上課遲到現象亦很普遍。廣西鹿寨一中學生來信說,他們學校上課紀律很差,如第十班上英語課時,教師已經上課十多分鐘了,有的學生才若無其事、大搖大擺地踢門進來、全班同學都看著他,因而教師不得不停止講課。又如:南開大學校刊所載,該校物理系一年級乙組有一次上物理輔導
According to the recent survey of some schools in various regions and the materials published in various newspapers and periodicals, and the contributions of many teachers and students, the situation reflected in the letters shows that there are quite a few problems in studying and disciplining some schools across the country. Even quite seriously affected the normal teaching work. With regard to the available materials, we can summarize the situation of the disciplinary disorder in schools in various places as follows: I. Absenteeism, lateness and discomfort Listening, disrespecting teachers and disorders in classroom order In some schools, the phenomenon of students’ absence from school is very serious. For example, in the twelve weeks following the semester of the last semester, students in Zhenjiang Second Secondary School reached a total of eight hundred and thirty-two hours for no reason and spent an average of seventy hours on average each week. (Nanjing Xinhua Daily) From an individual student’s point of view, such as Ji Keping, a student of the Northern Jiangsu Normal University, had absent from school for an unexcused twenty-eight hours during the last semester, There are five failings in door work. (North Jiangsu Teachers College) Late school attendance throughout the school is also very common. A letter from a high school student in Luzhai, Guangxi said that they had a poor discipline in school. For example, when the tenth class was in English class, the teacher had been in class for more than ten minutes. Some students did nothing but swaggering and kicked in. All classmates looked at him, Teachers therefore had to stop lecturing. Another example: Nankai University, contained in the school, Physics Department of the first year of physical education group B once